Year-To-Date Market Update

As the saying goes in the stock market…”so goes January, so goes the year in the markets”! After having a great finish to 2013, year-to-date the global stock markets as of February 6, 2014 are as follows: Toronto Composite Index: +0.7% U.S S&P Index: -3.5% Germany...

Have You Reviewed Your Risk Management Plan

I wanted to bring to your attention an area of interest that is becoming front and centre for existing clients of mine. Namely, risk management. I am not referring to risk associated with the equity markets, rather the risk associated with the loss of an income on the...

Dollars & Sense via TD Economics

For those contemplating cross-border shopping in the U.S, purchasing a home outside of Canada, or simply travelling abroad, you should consider the prospects of a weaker Canadian Dollar. I enclose a report from TD Economics on their forecast of the Canadian Dollar...

Gold Enters Bear Market

Just wanted to touch base and briefly remind you why we took such a diversified and defensive position in our portfolio. One cannot predict when and where the next downdraft in a security or commodity will take place. For example, look at the carnage in the metals...

2013 Federal Budget

The 2013 federal budget was released on March 21, 2013 and a number of new tax rules were proposed.  During difficult economic times our government’s main focus for raising revenues was aimed at eliminating tax “loop-holes” and perceived tax advantages.  A...